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Why Choose Us?

Citizens State Bank & Trust Co., Ellsworth, Kansas, has served the Ellsworth area since 1900. The Trust Department at Citizens State Bank & Trust Co. was officially chartered in 1974. Initially the trust department served a small number of accounts with less than $3 million in assets under management. In 1995 Citizens State Bank & Trust Co. made a commitment to expand its trust department.  In 2020, in order to accommodate a growing clientele, the trust department began doing business as Citizens Trust & Investments. Assets under management have grown to over $215 million with a client base that is spreading geographically throughout our region, state and nation.

Why Invest with a Bank Trust Department?

When you work with a Trust Officer you don’t have to worry about commission based sales pressure or other possible conflicts of interest that are all too common in the brokerage and insurance industry. Bank Trust Officers are “fiduciaries”, which means the best interest of the client will always come first. Our department is regulated by the Office of the State Bank Commissioner and the Kansas City Federal Reserve; we have regular and thorough exams from both entities as well as an outside auditor. While other firms hold themselves out to be fiduciaries, they are not held to the same regulatory standard that is required of a bank trust department. Also, a requirement of our Trust Relationship Officers is the attainment of the Certified Financial Planner designation (CFP®) with subsequent training to become a Certified Trust and Fiduciary Advisor (CTFA). Bank Trust Departments provide fiduciary based wealth management for individuals, trusts, endowments and foundations. There is no shortage of sales people who hold themselves out to be “financial advisors”, but few are true fiduciaries.

Why Choose a Corporate Trustee?

The role of “Trustee” is a tremendous responsibility. Most trusts are established to allow the creator or “grantor” of that trust to have their assets managed in a competent and objective manner for the benefit of another, commonly referred to as a “beneficiary”, after the grantor’s death. Many people who establish a trust name a relative to act as trustee. Often times that relative is also a beneficiary of the trust, which will likely result in a conflict of interest, or at the very least the appearance or possibility of a conflict. Also, that relative typically does not have the training or expertise to objectively and professionally invest, manage and account for the assets entrusted to them. This can lead to division among family members and other beneficiaries. There is no reason to place that burden on a family member when you can have professional management provided by an objective third party for a reasonable fee through a Bank Trust Department.

Why Citizens Trust & Investments?

For over 120 years, Citizens State Bank & Trust Co. has offered the professional services and continuity that has helped our clients accumulate wealth and provide for their families. Since 1974 our Trust Department has worked with individuals, businesses, foundations and other entities to provide wealth management through investment and trust services. Citizens Trust & Investments has the experience and the expertise to serve the next generation of trust and investment clients.